Lina Medina: How a Five-Year-Old Girl Became a Mother in 1939

Who is Lina Medina? Peruvian Lina Marcela Medina de Jurado was born in Ticrapo, Castrovirreyna Province, Peru, on 23 September 1933, making Libra her zodiac

Daniel Wanburg

Who is Lina Medina?

Peruvian Lina Marcela Medina de Jurado was born in Ticrapo, Castrovirreyna Province, Peru, on 23 September 1933, making Libra her zodiac sign. She’s probably only known for being the youngest mother in human history, as she was less than six years old on 14 May 1939, when she gave birth to her son. Lina was a few months away from turning five when she was impregnated, and it’s believed that it was the rare condition ‘precocious puberty’ that led to this.

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Family and pregnancy

Lina and her eight siblings were raised in Ticrapo, by their mother Victoria Losea who was a housewife, and father Tiburelo Medina who was a silversmith.

She was five years and several months old when her father drove her to a hospital in Pisco; the doctors initially believed that Lina had a tumor, due to her abdominal size, but it was then revealed that she was seven months pregnant. Many countries were interested in covering the story; the newspaper “San Antonio Light” reported that a midwife association in Peru wanted Lina to be admitted to a national maternity hospital, while an American movie studio had offered $5,000 for filming rights.

Lina gave birth to her son Gerardo via caesarean section, and the doctors then learned that her sexual organs were fully mature; Gerardo weighed 6lbs (2.7kgs), and was named after Lina’s doctor,

The boy’s father

The identity of Gerardo’s father remains undisclosed. It was widely believed in Peru that Lina had been raped, and her father was even arrested on suspicion that he had done it, but was released as no evidence had been provided to support this. Lina hasn’t revealed the name of her son’s father to this day, and it’s believed that she might not actually know it.

Although the boy lived with Lina and believed that she was his sister, he was eventually raised by Lina’s doctor Gerardo Lozada; he had no health issues while growing up, but was 40 when he died from bone marrow disease in 1979.

Lina’s career

Lina matriculated from local high school in 1952, and although she hasn’t spoken about her further education, it’s believed that she studied at a medical school, from which she graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in 1956.

Lina was then employed at Dr. Gerardo Lozada’s clinic as a secretary, and was thus also able to spend more time with her son.

YouTube videos

Numerous videos about Lina have been uploaded onto YouTube by various users, with most of these covering her strange pregnancy, while others aim to provide additional details about her later life. We’re going to mention three of the most popular YouTube vides about Lina, which’ve contributed to her internet popularity.

Her #1 video “World’s Youngest Mother, Age 5 Lina Medina” has been watched more than 20 million times since 19 April 2014, when it was uploaded by Worlds Biggest; it aims to cover Lina’s pregnancy, as well as her son’s later life.

Lina’s second most popular video – “Top 5 Youngest Mother In The World” – was uploaded by 100M on 6 November 2020, and has been watched over 6.4 million times; it covers Lina’s pregnancy, as well as the pregnancies of four other girls who were less than 10 years old when they gave birth.

Her #3 video, “Así luce hoy la madre más joven de la historia. Tenía 5 años” was uploaded by Badabun on 7 January 2018, and has since been watched close to six million times; it’s a Spanish-language video about Lina, her pregnancy and her son’s (supposed) father.

Love life and relationships

Lina’s love life remains a mystery to this day, and she’s even been able to keep the identity of her son’s father hidden.

She married non-celebrity Peruvian Raul Jurado sometime in the ‘70s, and gave birth to their son in 1972 – Lina had a normal pregnancy, and didn’t have problems giving birth. She hasn’t spoken about how and when she and Raul met, though most of her fans believe that he was her high school sweetheart; it’s also believed that Raul passed away sometime in the first half of the 2010s, but as Lina’s staying away from the media’s attention, this hasn’t been confirmed.

There are also many people on the internet who claim that they know Lina, and that she and Raul divorced in the second half of the ‘80s; these same people claim that she met another man when she was 55, and that the two eventually married, but none of this has been addressed by her.

Lina seems to be married to Raul Jurado as of April 2023, and they have a son together, while she also has a son to whom she gave birth when she was five.

Interesting facts and hobbies

Lina’s never been interested in making money out of her story, and has turned down numerous offers from newspapers and magazines, including “Reuters” in 2002.

Youngest Mom in History. Lina Medina was was just 5 years, 7 months, when she gave birth to her 2.7 kg (6.0 lb) son. The…

Posted by History In Pictures on Saturday, October 6, 2018

It’s still today believed by many doctors and experts that Lina’s pregnancy was a hoax, but a number of doctors have still been able to prove that it was true, thanks to X rays and biopsies; the only photo that can be found on the internet about the entire case features Lina when she was seven and a half months pregnant, and was standing naked.

She grew up being physically active and took part in various activities while attending a local high school, while she was also an avid dancer.

Lina was passionate about travelling during her 20s and 30s, but then preferred the peace of her home over flying to other countries.

Height, eyes and wealth

Lina’s 89 years old. She has brown eyes and medium long grey hair, is 5ft 6ins (1.68m) tall and weighs around 130lbs (60kgs).

Lina’s net worth’s been estimated at over $100,000, as of April 2023.

Daniel Wanburg

As the Managing Editor at The Legit, I direct a dynamic team dedicated to creating rich content that profiles the lives and accomplishments of influential figures. My commitment to detail and storytelling drives the production of biographies that truly engage our audience. I manage all aspects of the editorial process, from conducting thorough research to crafting vivid narratives, all while ensuring the accuracy and quality of our work. At The Legit, our goal is to offer our readers comprehensive profiles that provide deep insights into the realms of business, entertainment, and more. Through diligent research and engaging storytelling, we highlight the exceptional journeys and achievements of those who both inspire and intrigue us.


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