Who is Mr. Fruit?
Christian Miller was born on 14 September 1994, in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, and is a YouTube personality as well as a Twitch streamer, best known from rising to fame through his YouTube channel Mr. Fruit. He plays various video games on his channel, but was initially known for his playthroughs of games such as “Destiny” and “Overwatch”.
The Net Worth of Mr. Fruit
As of mid-2020, Mr. Fruit’s net worth is estimated to be over $2 million, earned largely through a successful career on YouTube. His fame online brought him considerable income, mostly from advertising revenue provided by YouTube.
He’s also earned income through streaming on Twitch, from ads, subscriptions and donations.
Early Life and Gaming Beginnings
Mr. Fruit grew up in Las Vegas as the fourth child among five siblings, all of whom are boys. During this time, he was introduced to video games by his siblings, and one of the first games he played was the “Pokemon” series. The game which was introduced by Japan, has players capturing and collecting Pokemon to train for battle. The game has become one of the most popular franchises in the world.
Eventually his family moved to Jacksonville, Florida to be close to the family on her mother’s side, and where his interests in gaming grew.
He became friends with a lot of gamers and was also very active outdoors, playing sports with his many friends. It was in Jacksonville where he began schooling, and showed capable intelligence in his studies. He was qualified for a gifted program, but after realizing that he wouldn’t spend as much time with games and friends anymore, he purposefully failed the exam.
Path to YouTube
His effort to remain close to his friends was a bit in vain, as just a few months later his family decided to move back to Colorado. After this move, he became more of an introvert and often spent time inside; he also experienced depression which is something that his family line was known for, but used video games as a means to spend time and unwind.
He then discovered the Pokemon Trading Card Game and got hooked – he began playing. and this encouraged him to seek out local tournaments in the area. He briefly became one of the top competitors in the scene, competing in nationals several times, and becoming one of the top players from Colorado. His highest placement was reaching the 2008 World Championships where he placed 12th.
After his return, he moved away from the competitive aspect of the game and began focusing more on video games. At around this time, he began playing games such as “Call of Duty” and “Halo”. He loved first-person shooters, and upon discovering the platform YouTube, he began considering a career online.
He wanted to share his love for gaming, and a YouTube career meant that he would be playing games as his job.
Rise to Prominence
Mr. Fruit created his first channel ABowloFruit onto which he uploaded various video game content. He initially focused on first-person shooter games, something that he would become known for during his entire career. He initially uploaded around two videos a week, as he was busy going through college. He only thought of it as a hobby at this time, and so there were weeks when he was inactive. However, he then decided that he would put more effort into it, and created his current channel MyMisterFruit which later became Mr. Fruit.
His channel grew up in popularity after he began making videos of the game “Destiny”. The game is an online multi-player first-person shooter which was developed by Bungie, who was also responsible for the “Halo” franchise. The game is set in a science-fiction world sharing elements of role-playing games and shooters. Players take on the role of Guardians, protectors of the earth as they try to battle various hostile alien races and uncover the mystery of the larger universe. The game was well-received, praised for its end-game content as well as its story.
Recent Projects
During the peak of his popularity in “Destiny”, Mr. Fruit established a collective of gamers, mostly consisting of friends and other popular YouTubers, to help each other make content for the game. While they were initially focused on “Destiny”, its popularity wouldn’t last forever and they would eventually switch to other games. By the release of the game “Overwatch”, he began playing it a lot, and his channel grew even further thanks to the huge popularity the game. “Overwatch” was created by Blizzard from the remnants of a canceled massively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORPG).
It is a team-based shooter that contains elements often seen in battle arena games, with the players taking control of characters with special abilities.
Over the years Mr. Fruit also sought other avenues to earn income, and started streaming on Twitch as it had become an alternative way to earn money online. Twitch proved to be a very consistent option for earnings, as YouTube was becoming stricter with content. He eventually became a partner on Twitch, earning more as his subscribership there grew. In recent months, he’s been focused on various shooter video games, including “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare”, “Destiny 2”, and “Apex Legends”.
Personal Life
Mr. Fruit became engaged to Claire Beck-Alper after being in a relationship for over four years; they announced their engagement in 2018, though they have not yet married. He admits that he still suffers from bouts of depression, which he believes is unavoidable as it is hereditary. The depression was mainly brought about by his family moving around a lot, and him losing connection with his friends. With his current job, he feels a lot more connected, and due to the many friends he has he doesn’t often feel the depression as much.